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What kind of stories can you tell your children?

You may have read the last blog about the importance of storytelling to your kids. If you haven’t read it, please read it here: Storytelling & its Benefits: Do You Tell Stories to Your Child?

Well, if you are wondering how to entertain and educate your kids with stories, here are some ideas:

a) Go back in time

Start by thinking about the stories you heard while growing up, turn up your nostalgia, and pass that feeling on to your child. Think why some stories are your favourites and have been told and re-told repeatedly, and what makes them your favourites.

b) Folktales from varied cultures

Just narrate the story with enthusiasm; explain the morals to your child. They may be stories or folktales with certain cultural aspects, increasing their awareness of your culture.

You can also narrate folktales from other cultures and discuss the differences as per their understanding.

c) Personal experience

Share the experiences you want to pass on to your child and the stories you heard from your family. Especially stories of your ancestors (familial history) that will enrich your child.

d) Books you read as a child

You can think about the kind of stories you loved hearing as a kid, whether about animals, epics, or stories with a moral.

e) Legend.

A legend must have some aspect of factual historical information – a protagonist (hero) who lived in the past. The historical account becomes a legend as some actual events are exaggerated.

f) Show and tell:

Stories about the unsung heroes from your region.

Often, there are stories of sacrifice and large-heartedness that were not documented. If the person lived in a place close to your home, show the area and tell the story.

g) Stories about loyal pets

Does your child love pets? Or is your child nervous around animals?

Having a pet can transform your child. It will teach your children to take care of another being. Find stories based on the animal your child fears and educate them about the animal in the form of your story.  

h)  Fairytale

A fairy tale is usually about magic, or a character who is evil, and a happy ending. Often fairy tales were set in a far-away place long ago. It can be fun to narrate a fairy tale as a sleep time story.

i) Myth.

Myths can explain things in nature, how the world began, or why people behave in a certain way. Myths often portray illogical and sometimes highly emotional behaviours of the characters. These stories have a lesson to learn. As the character learns it, so do the kids. If the character in the story fails to learn the lesson, kids learn by their tragic mistakes.

We have shared some thoughts, but we are sure there are many more ways to keep your kids engaged and entertained. Please share your thoughts on other innovative methods in the comments below.