Experiential Learning for Practical Knowledge
In recent times, the concept of experiential learning has gained immense popularity, especially in preschools. Experiential learning refers to learning through hands-on experiences and active participation, enabling children to gain practical knowledge and recall what...
Storytelling & its Benefits: Do You Tell Stories to Your Child?
What happens to you when you hear someone say - Once upon a time? Do you involuntarily lean forward? Stories transport us into a magical world! Most of us grew up listening to stories from our parents, grandparents, and family. The purpose of storytelling could be...
Happy Independence Day – Introduce the Story of Independence to Your Child.
15th of August is an important day in our lives. Making our children understand the concept of freedom and its value is critical. It is essential to make them understand that freedom from Britain came at the cost of the lives of lakhs of people. If you have an...
8 things to remember when raising an Introverted Child
Extroverted parents are often baffled when their children are not outgoing. Well, their introverted nature is not a problem that you need to solve; you just need to accept it and make their life simpler by making them comfortable in social situations instead of...
The Importance of Teaching Kids Self Love
There was a time when self-love was considered a selfish concept hyped by people going through first world problems. But with changing times and an open mind, people have started realising the importance of teaching kids self-love. As the millennials have started...
Simple & Effective Ways to Teach Kids Gratitude
Remember when you used to save a few pennies to buy candies from your neighbourhood shop, and convince your parents to buy the toys you wanted so badly. The times have changed; the upcoming generation is growing up in entirely different surroundings that you weren't...
How to Efficiently get your Kid ready for School
Time is always in short supply for busy parents, especially in the mornings. Getting your kids ready on time for school can be testing even for the best time managers! This article will discuss a few ways to make your mornings a lot more efficient and less stressful...
7 Fun Indoor Activities to do with your Kids on a Rainy Day
Spending time indoors with energetic kids can be challenging. If you get stuck inside the house or while on holiday due to bad weather or other reasons, it is good to have a few indoor activities handy. We have put together a varied list of activities, and then...
How to effectively manage sibling rivalry
The relationship between siblings is like wind, and you never know which direction it will take tomorrow. Some days they are best friends, inseparable and on other days, each other's nemesis. Sibling rivalry starts early, even before the second sibling is born and...
How to Promote Critical thinking in Children
We, as parents, have first-hand experience of how the world is getting extremely competitive. The kids won't have it easy, that's for sure. But as parents, we can ensure that they are prepared for the world. Toddlers and youngsters are power-packed with energy....
Tips To Become A Calm and Understanding Parent
Raising a child is a beautiful phase of a parent's life. While it is a gratifying experience, every parent might feel angry and frustrated at times. Raising a child is not always rainbows and butterflies, especially in their toddler phase. Kids often don't follow your...
Tips to Get your Kids Help Around the House
Everyone likes a well-kept home, but no one appreciates the effort it takes to keep it that way. Children at home tend to mess up the house, and the onus of tidying up falls on the parents. Tidying up after your child is challenging and stressful, and it adds...
Teaching Children to Avoid “Stranger Danger”
As our toddlers start realising that they are individuals and start enjoying independence, it's important to supervise their journey closely. Confining them from the world outside doesn't protect them; it's essential to teach them how to deal with strangers and teach...
Role of Family in Child’s Early Stage Development
Humans are lifelong learners, and the people around us majorly influence our early development. We learn how to behave in society from the environment we grow up in, and for most of us, learning starts at home. Early learning primarily takes place in two forms....
How to handle challenging toddler behaviour
Toddlers are naughty, stubborn and defy logic often. As the toddlers reach the age of 2 or 3, they realise that they are separate individuals from their parents or caregivers. They start being assertive, show independence as much as possible and communicate about...
Educational Toys are Vital to your Child’s Development
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning” - Fred Rogers Playing is an integral part of your child's development. Children are curious about their surroundings and are always in search of answers. Often you might be stuck with a bunch of...