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There was a time when self-love was considered a selfish concept hyped by people going through first world problems. But with changing times and an open mind, people have started realising the importance of teaching kids self-love. 

As the millennials have started believing and indulging themselves in self-love and self-care rituals, the upcoming generation must be taught about it from the beginning so that they grow up to be their best selves who accept who they are themselves and others around them. After all, a loving relationship with oneself can create a ripple effect on others around them.

This article will help us understand what self-love is exactly, why it’s essential to teach our children self-love, and how we can teach it to our children.

Teaching Kids Self Love
Well, you might have come across multiple definitions for this, and it definitely does not mean feeling good and happy all the time. So, let us derive the meaning of self-love again for you. Self-love means accepting yourself fully while learning, growing, supporting and appreciating one’s physical, psychological and spiritual growth. It’s about nurturing one’s happiness and well-being. 

But, how do we teach self-love to our children?

We as parents can teaching kids self-love and allow them to set their boundaries, engage in healthy relationships, and surround themselves with good company. If our children grow up having no role models or have nobody who teaches them self-love, then they will never acknowledge it or value its importance. It might often lead them to become people pleasers or put up with mistreatment and abuse from others.

Teaching self-love isn’t a one-time thing, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes continuous effort and needs to be practised like any other life skill. That’s why it’s essential to start self-love from an early age at home and daycare or school.

What are the benefits of teaching kids self-love?

  1. Foster a growth mindset, as kids who have a positive view of themselves are more likely to learn or try new things and take up new challenges.
  2. Live a less stressful life, as they try their best, but at the same time cope and learn from their mistakes.
  3. Ask for help when they need it and not hide behind reasons and low self-esteem.

Kids are also likely to do better at home and school while staying inclined towards achieving their goals and developing meaningful relationships.

How can parents help their kids develop self-love?

Self-love is essential, and practising it isn’t complicated. Let us help you with some easy ways to get you and your kids started on this journey. If you want your children to learn self-love, start at home. Kids learn from what they see, and you can’t teach kids something that you don’t practice yourself. Parental behaviour plays a prime role in child development. If you practice self-care and self-love, your child will mirror it.

How to practice self-care?

According to the World Health Organisation, practising self-care is the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider. (attach who link:

Live a holistically healthy life by doing things for yourself and teaching kids.

Here are some simple self-care tips for kids:

  1. Indulging in a healthy snack.
  2. Reading a book and Storytelling.
  3. Drinking adequate amounts of water every day.
  4. Playing and socialising with friends.
  5. Talking about their entire day with a family member or friend.
  6. Drawing, painting, singing or dancing.
  7. Take a soothing bath.
  8. Take a nap.
  9. Listening to favourite songs.
  10. Going for a walk with family or friends.

Positive self-talk works wonders.

If you tell something yourself many times and keep repeating it in your head repeatedly, you start believing it’s true. We often negative self-talk ourselves, which leads to poor self-esteem and lack of confidence. Teaching kids positive self-talk, and it will work wonders for them.

It’s essential to give your children positive affirmations and words of support and confidence. Encourage them to compliment, comfort and motivate themselves.

We hope this article will help you learn more about self-love, its benefits and how it’s important to practise and teach kids’ about self-love.